
  • You have 21 days from delivery to request a return. Once you have requested a return, you have 7 days to ship your item(s). If you do not ship your return within 7 days from the return request date, your order will be eligible for store credit only. 
  • If you would like us to provide you with a shipping label, please note there is a $7 charge, for US customers and a calculated charge for International Customers that will be deducted from your order refund.
  • Items must be unworn, unwashed, show no signs of wear, have original tags attached, and returned in their original packaging. Items must be free of stains, makeup, deodorant, or wear. All items are subject to inspection.
  • Damaged, defective, or incorrect items must be reported within 7 days of delivery. Must provide pictures.
  • Returns are processed within 7-14 business days after your item(s) are delivered to us.
  • No returns on accessories, they are final sale 
  • All items that are marked Final Sale cannot be returned or exchanged. Please keep this in mind when choosing sizes and products. If you have any size questions, you can always reach out to our customer service team for guidance at or text or call us at 813-524-7174